Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ice cream or Smoothies: What is more refreshing on a hot summer day? ?

Also: Cookies or cake?

Have fun =)Ice cream or Smoothies: What is more refreshing on a hot summer day? ?
Smoothies, cause I'd get thirsty.

Cookies right out of the oven [[:Ice cream or Smoothies: What is more refreshing on a hot summer day? ?
a fruity, exotic smoothy

i want some sugar cookies!
Ice cream especially in AZ

Cookies =)
ice cream - but ice lollies are even better

and i have to say cake is better especially chocolate
gimme gimmee gimmee
strawberry banana smoothie with a big hunk of chocolate cake!!
vannila ice-cream with wipped cream and a chesse cake!
icecream and cake
mmmm ice cream

chocolate cake!

with ice cream :)
iceeee creammm :)

hmm ill go w/ cookies
smoothies...I usually finish them quicker....and I like things with tang

For me it's smoothies and I prefer cookies.

Ice cream


Ice Cream!

Cake ;)
Ice Cream
ice cream and cake yummy

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